French National Parks are funded by the French State and come under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of the Environment.



2019 revenue amounted to €6,199,963. It was marked by an increase in the diversification of funding obtained by the institution (from local authorities, the French Water Agency, the European Union, etc.), and the exceptional level reached by the proceeds of the Barnier tax in 2019 (over €500,000). The main sources of revenue were as follows:

  • Operating grant by the Agence Française pour la Biodiversité (French Agency for Biodiversity): €5,299,322
  • Proceeds of the maritime passenger tax : €474,620.25
  • Local authorities: €403,918.50
  • Other contributions from the State and its public institutions: €359,620
  • Miscellaneous funding: €162,315.59



2019 expenditure amounted to €5,280,950. The main items of expenditure were as follows:

  • Staff: €4,284,787.69 
  • Running costs: €1,695,486.15
  • Interventions: €171,130.65
  • Investment: €495,545.03

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