
Civil society representation to inform the Management Board's decisions

The Economic, Social and Cultural Council (CESC) has been one of the governance components of National Parks since the legislative reform of their status in 2006. Alongside the Scientific Council, it is responsible for informing the decisions of the Management Board, the institution's decision-making and management body.


The composition of the CESC

The CESC is appointed for 6 years by deliberation of the Management Board. The first CESC of the Calanques National Park was appointed on 4 February 2014. The composition of the CESC was renewed by decision of the Management Board on 6 December 2019.

The CESC is made up of 30 members from different parts of civil society involved in the life and use of the Calanques area.

The composition of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council was proposed by the institution's management, in conjunction with the Chair of the CESC, and agreed by the Management Board.

It takes into account the following points of attention:

  • a sufficiently balanced distribution of members, according to their profile, between the main fields of action of the National Parks' CESCs: economy, society and culture;
  • a diversity of backgrounds and experiences that make it possible to combine a strategic and transversal vision, a sense of the general interest of the National Park (understood as a whole: the territory, its heritage, the inhabitants, the professionals and the users, but also the institution) and detailed knowledge and pragmatism of the field;
  • the presence of historical representatives of the protection and uses of the Calanques, but also the contribution of new figures, involved in different domains (notably cultural) or at different scales (notably with a view to building the metropolis).


The role of the CESC

The role of the CESC is legally fixed by Article R 331-33 of the French Environmental Code. It states that "a CESC assists the Management Board and the Director, particularly in matters of contractual policy, monitoring the implementation of the charter and promoting local life".

The internal regulations of the Calanques National Park CESC, approved by deliberation of the Management Board, also detail its prerogatives:

  • proposals on the strategic vision, prioritisation of focuses, experimentation and innovative solutions;
  • contribution to the life of the institution; 
  • provision of an interface between the institution / stakeholders;
  • contribution to assessing and revising the charter;
  • participation in the CESC network; 
  • proposition of special regulations to the Management Board or Director;
  • opinion on draft regulations submitted by the Management Board or the Director;
  • opinion on certain decisions of the Director (list provided for by decree).


How the CESC works

The CESC meets 3 times per year on average.

The agenda for its sessions is set by its Chairperson, on the proposal of the Director of the Calanques National Park. The invitation to the Council sessions and the meeting file are sent to the members 15 days before the meeting.

Members of the CESC may also be appointed by the Council to represent it in various workshops and working groups relating to the development of National Park actions.


Summary of the activities of the Calanques National Park Economic, Social and Cultural Council during its 2014-2019 term

Chairperson: Mrs Tashina Giraud
Number of sessions held
  • 2-4 sessions per year
  • 78 sessions in total
Number of topics covered in the session
  • 10-20 topics covered per year
  • 78 topics in total
Main families of topics covered

Topics relating to the implementation of the CESC

  • Elections of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairs and committee
  • Thematic committees
  • Representatives on the Brand Management Committee, Charter Evaluation Committee

Opinion on new activities in the core areas of the National Park

  • Ambient bar in 2014
  • L’Ile Verte Restaurant in 2016

Opinion on the regulation of activities

  • Hunting: each year
  • Recreational fishing in 2016 and 2018
  • Photography fee in 2017
  • Maritime passenger transport in 2018
  • Beekeeping in 2018
  • Motorboat rentals in 2019
  • Professional operation of leased vessels in 2019

Topics for the Council's consideration and review  

  • Programming document for the National Park
    • multiannual action plan         
    • visitor strategy
    • scientific strategy
    • land and underwater landscape plans
    • interpretation scheme
    • assessment of the Charter
  • Topics relating to activities carried out in the National Park
    • visitor study
    • deployment of the "Esprit Parc national" brand
    • cycling in the core areas of the National Park
    • "diving" and "recreational fishing" charters
    • strategy for outdoor sports and activities
    • general mooring strategy
  • Topics relating to risk prevention
    • Alteo waste discharge in the sea
    • plan of the massif
    • prevention of fire risk in the summer period
  • Topics relating to the institution's communication
    • The National Park festival
    • "Printemps des Calanques" (Spring in the Calanques)
    • deployment of the "My Calanques" app
  • Topics relating to the functioning of National Parks
    • attachment of the National Parks to the AFB (French Biodiversity Office)
    • prospects for cooperation between the CESC of the Port-Cros and Calanques National Parks

Representation of the CESC in the thematic commissions established by the Management Board

  • Charter monitoring and evaluation committee
  • "hunting" committee
  • "fishing" committee
  • "climbing" committee

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