Coralligenous structure © O. Bianchimani


A coralligenous structure is comprised of amassed calcareous algae and other living organisms forming a colourful landscape. It develops between 20 and 120 meters deep and permanently or temporarily shelters 15 to 20% of known Mediterranean species, which corresponds to more than 1700 species!

Did you know ?

Its edification is extremely slow. It is estimated at less than one millimetre per year.

Main associated species

  • Yellow gorgonian coral or yellow sea whip
  • Red coral
  • Long-snouted seahorse
  • Short-snouted seahorse
  • Brown meagre
  • Dusky grouper

How can I help to protect it?

  • I look but I don’t touch.
  • When diving, I do not break coral branches with flippers.

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